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At South Colonie, the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) is at the core of our educational community. Our PTA Groups play a pivotal role in shaping the educational experience for our students and fostering a strong sense of partnership between parents, teachers, and the school district.


2024-25 PTA

2024-25 PTA Officers

Christy Field

Vice Presidents
Courtney Mason
Nicole Romano


Recording Secretary
Samantha DiPace


Corresponding Secretary
Amy Ezekiel

Maureen DeGennaro

Council Delegate
Amy Ezekiel
Rosalynn Smith


The Shaker Road Elementary School PTA welcomes every parent, guardian, grandparent, teacher and staff member to join our organization.

Becoming a member not only allows you to have input in the decisions that are made at PTA, it gives you the opportunity to introduce new ideas and have a voice in your child’s school. We are always striving to make our school the best it can be.

Volunteering your time is another way that you can be a part of our great team. We are always looking for volunteers to assist in PTA-sponsored events both during the school day and in the evenings. There are even opportunities to help from home. Volunteering even a few hours in a school year is a great help.  

The Shaker Road PTA meets the second Tuesday the month at 7 p.m. in the school library.  Meetings are every other month starting from September to March. March through May, meetings are held monthly. Please check the Google web calendar on the school homepage for meeting dates/changes and a list of monthly PTA-sponsored events. Also, visit the Shaker Road PTA website any time.

We hope that you can join us for our PTA meetings.

“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is a progress. Working together is success!” – Henry Ford

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